Warmest Robot + Warmest Human

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Bye Blogger

After using Blogger for a number of years, I am sad to leave it behind to transition warmestrobot.com to a newer platform powered by Squarespace.

This post will be my final post on the Blogger platform. Any users that are subscribed to my blog via email will need to follow me on social media.

When you refresh your browsers in a few days, you will see the new site with all of the old articles.

For those interested in why I am leaving Blogger, it comes down to future changes in the Chrome Web Browser and Blogger's lack of support for custom domains and https.

Google has sent me emails asking me to repair the blog even though there still is no supported solution to how Blogger handles SSL forwarding with custom domains. It's ironic that I receive an email from them asking me to fix their problem.

In the same ironic sense, I did fix the problem. I left their blog platform.