
Dear Moose,

Today marks 6 months since you crossed the rainbow bridge. I wish I could say that I miss you less or that your absence has gotten easier with time, but that wouldn’t be true. Your brother Scout misses you very much and still looks for you every day. Your baby sister Rosslyn is getting so big! She is now a year old and starting to walk. I am sure you would’ve loved her, but would have been annoyed by her chasing you around. Scout loves to play with her, probably because he is so lonely without his brother. 

I thought I would have more time with you. You got sick so quickly and I wasn’t ready to let you go, although I know it was the right thing to do. I feel so much guilt about not being there for you when you needed me most and I hope that you have forgiven me for that. You were my best friend and I think about you everyday. I can’t believe you’ve been gone 6 months and I want you to know that we will never forget you. We keep your ashes on the mantle, along with your collar, so you are always nearby. I found this poem that made me think of you:

Treasured Friend

I lost a treasured friend today
The little dog who used to lay
His gentle head upon my knee
And shared his silent thoughts with me.

He’ll come no longer to my call
Retrieve no more his favorite ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called him to his golden throne.

Although my eyes are filled with tears
I thank him for the happy years
He let him spend down here with me
And for his love and loyalty.

When it is time for me to go
And join him there, this much I know
I shall not fear the transient dark
For he will greet me with a bark.

~Author Unknown

You are forever in my heart and I will see you again someday. John hopes that you have found his old dog Bud and that you are playing together now. I know you are enjoying an endless supply of treats and Frosty Paws, along with belly rubs. I love you, Moose!

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